How to Be a Nice Person

First of all, sorry for posting so late (Well, yeah, that was a horrible way to have said that; as if I have millions of readers lol). So, for starters, it’s kind of a shame this article is even written. In today’s world, we have forgotten just to be – nice! That’s how simple it was to put it. Everyone is acting so selfish; they’ve forgotten the value of being nice.
I dunno what more to write for the beginning, coz this has no ending So, I have come up with a few pointers to be a nice person. Check them out below:
- Say the three magical words
Now, I know the first three words that popped into your mind were ‘I love you’. Well I hate to break it to you, but these are not the words I am talking about (you can’t go around telling people ‘I love you’), I am talking about a sorry, a thank you, and a please. Believe me; these words make a huge difference. Many a time it happens that someone does something for you like wait in the elevator or help with your things, and we don’t consider it. Change that; your thank you might bring a smile on their faces and it is really polite as well. Use a sorry if you accidentally bump into someone or make a mistake. Being apologetic seems considerate of others. If you need help, start off with a please, as in, “Oh, Will you please do this for me…” Get the idea? See, you may be having a shitty day, the other person may be having a shitty day, but being polite always brings a smile on the face. This is the most basic thing to start off to be a nice person.
- Consider others
Sometimes in some situations where luck doesn’t favour us, we just forget that there are others in such conditions too. Like, when we are stuck in traffic, and someone behind us is in a great hurry, we don’t usually give way to them. Sometimes, people don’t even consider an ambulance or a police van. Like, if a dacoit just kills 10 people and runs away with the country’s money and the police couldn’t nab him because YOU were late for a movie – who’s at fault?? Also, sometimes it may happen that you go out to buy something and there’s only like 4 more of that, you would probably prefer stocking up on all of it, rather than leaving it for others. Boy, there are other people also who need that. Why don’t you think about them? In other situations where public transport is involved, like a bus or train or a tram, sometimes, we see that some people don’t bother controlling their elbows or arms or sweaty backs, they just plop over to the person standing by. Brother, this is really annoying. Especially when it is crowded and people are cramped up together, please see that you don’t trip over and bother others. Give space to them. So, to conclude, be considerate and do not always think about yourself.
- Do not interfere
This point may be harsh on the Indian aunties, but please do not interfere in other’s life. Asking them personal questions and then spreading it like wildfire is so immature. Plus, it is such an embarrassment for the other person. It’s like you’re way more interested in other’s life than they are in their own.
This is really a very bad habit. Why do you want to know others’ troubles? Are yours not enough to give you nightmares? Well, this may seem rude but, unless you are very close to them and they don’t mind it, no one needs your sympathies (unless they are heartfelt) Sometimes it may happen that you’re trying to help, but don’t get too nosy. If they don’t feel comfortable sharing their stuff with you, simply leave it. Focus on your life. That’s it.
- Be mindful of manners and etiquettes
See, values like punctuality, honesty, integrity and stuff are really not everyone’s strong points. But, at least try to be mindful of patience and respect and…. others! Like the best and the worst example is – honking in red light. Like, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM MAN??!!! What do you want us to do?? You wanna jump over us and go and is it that we are standing on your launching pad or what? PLEASEEE be patient. Everyone is in a hurry, but unnecessarily creating a ruckus isn’t an option. Respect the presence of others. Respect the needs of others as well. Some (…Idiots) don’t even see where they are. As soon as they find themselves in red light, they start on with their honking. At least check if you’re near a hospital or a school and see if anyone is disturbed (which they are). Stop doing this and be careful.
- Never body shame
Body shaming, for those who don’t know, is criticising someone by the basis of their body shape, skin colour, or size. Body shaming someone is such a shame. It is so NOT human. Do you even realise how much you hurt people when you body shame them? Making fun of them or excluding them is so cruel. How on earth (or any other planet) is it their fault if that is how God has created them? And how can you make fun of them or criticise them? So you say, you want everyone to have a perfect body. Three most common things people say is, “Why are you so fat? You should really do some exercise and go on a diet”, “Look at your skin colour, so dark. You should try applying face packs, and homemade remedies. It’ll really help.” and “Oh my God, why are you so thin? Is mommy not feeding you properly? Also, it’s windy outside, wear some heavy clothes, otherwise, you’ll fly away hahahahahahaha” Like, seriously? See, what my point is?!
Well, there are so many things which need to be done to be a nice person, but these are to just start off with the basics. Once you try these and ensure yourselves that you are following these, then you can make up your own points and try following them. That’s it for this article, hope you found it useful. Also… be nice! Thank you so much.
Keep reading my blogs for more!
Wondefull!!!!I just loved it……
btw,sometimes being nice = our loss
why don’t you write your next article on when to be kind and when to not??
i mean, how should i take a judgement??
Very impressive ❤️
Wow Priyanshi keep it up… very nicely written….
Wow Priyanshi… very well written.. keep it up…
Much needed in today’s world👆🏻
Wondefull!!!!I just loved it……
btw,sometimes being nice = our loss
why don’t you write your next article on when to be kind and when to not??
i mean, how should i take a judgement??